

Emergency Food Distribution Program During Covid-19 Lock- Down.

The lockdown implemented on the Afghan nation due to Covid-19 had several social, economic impacts on the Afghan low income or female-headed families. The economic impacts were so evident because these families hardly have food to eat.

Leadership Development Programme

The formulation and implementation of effective policy initiatives require the presence of vigorous institutional and governance mechanisms and trained leadership to implement these.

Early Childhood Daycare Program Support

Early Childhood Daycare Program Support: This program is supported with the aim to increase female learners’ attendance in the parallel to the literacy programme and other educational programs. A total of 200 young children aged 4-6 years were supported with learning materials.

Community Peace Event

APEDO has designed this programme to encourage both returnee and IDP families to participate in order to build a sense of local belonging in and loyalty and respect for the local.

COVID-19 Information

Country-Specific Information:
• Afghanistan has a total of 15,750 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and 265 deaths attributed to the disease (Ministry of Public Health).


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